Christmas Market Recipes

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    • #7457 Rispondi

      We have just returned Budabest (lovely – will go again). We enjoyed food at the Christmas Markets. We had a type of ‘fritta’ which we think was batter with potato and onion. Does anyone know what this is called and have a recipe please?

    • #7458 Rispondi
      Budapest Guide
      Amministratore del forum


      I am not 100% sure what it is that you are thinking about, but I will check out and if I find out anything or maybe can get an answer from someone else, I will write you as soon as possible!

    • #7460 Rispondi
      Budapest Guide
      Amministratore del forum

      It might be Tocsni you are speaking about (I posted your question on our Facebook page and someone answered there). You can find a recipe in Hungarian at:

      To make it short in English you need 1kg potatoes, 2 eggs, some spoons of flour and oil. Mash the potatoes totally, mix them with the eggs and the flour. Here you can also add salt, pepper and garlic. Pour the oil into a pan, heat it up, and then take parts of the dough and place it in the hot oil. You can shape them with a spoon. They should be fried there for 4-5 minutes on each side.

      Not sure if this is it, but maybe?!

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