Restaurants in Budapest

Are you looking for a place to eat in Budapest? Here you will find recommendations and warnings, all written by objective writers. In addition, we let guests write their reviews after visiting the restaurant to make it even better.

What to eat in Budapest?

Budapest Restaurants
Budapest Restaurants

What to order is up to you, but be sure not to go home without testing meals such as goulash soup, paprika chicken, fish soup and pörkölt. After trying the Hungarian meals, it might be time to eat some international food. Eat some giant steaks at Pampas Steakhouse, or eat from running belts at Wasabi. If you want to eat a mix of everything, you can eat from the buffet at Trofea Grill. You can visit the well-known Gundel Restaurant if you want something more exclusive.

Table Reservation
We help you with table reservations free of charge. This is useful in all situations as it ensures that a free table is waiting for you, but especially if you want a surprise birthday cake or something to be given to you! Look around and if you find one restaurant or more, use our table reservation page and reserve your table today!

Tipping at restaurants in Budapest
It is normal to give 10%, or more if you are satisfied. More and more restaurants include the 10% on the bill, so be sure to look at the bill to see if it is already included.

Top Budapest restaurants

Would you like an interesting, tasty, and delicious meal in Budapest? Here you have some of the most popular restaurants in Budapest.

Hungarian food with live music.

Restaurants you will remember for a long time.

Extremely fine dining.

Amazing steaks.