Last flood pictures for now

Two days ago, early Tuesday, the Danube peaked at 827cm. Now the river is moving back towards normal status, though very slowly. This means that the lower riverside roads will be opened up early next week only, probably! That is unfortunate for everyone with car, as the closed roads lead to even more lines and waiting for innercity drivers. Since the Danube is subsiding this is probably the last post with flood pictures for now, but we hope you will enjoy these pictures.

Earlier flood pictures: pictures 1pictures 2

We will add some more pictures to our Facebook profile, so if you would like to see more, check out Budapest Guide on Facebook!

Floodpictures from Budapest

Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest

Even more water in the Danube – pictures

This Friday we posted some pictures showing how much water is in the Danube currently. Since then even more water has arrived, and now it is almost 8 metres above normal level. The carroad running down along the Danube has been closed since Friday afternoon and I guess from tomorrow it will be loads of traffic and long lines for those coming to Budapest with car.

The pictures below were taking Saturday evening, and you can see the Castle in the background, the Chain Bridge and so on!

Budapest flood pictures (June4th, 2010)

Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest
Flood in Budapest

Flood in Budapest – pictures

It is raining and raining in Hungary, and all across the country people are suffering because of all the water. Thousands have left their houses and people are “rescued” from their houses by helicopters, almost like action films. But it is reality. Budapest is a city always well prepared against floods, and there are not to serious problems around, but later today the lowest road along the Danube will probably be closed on both the Buda and the Pest side, which will make traffic unbearable, at least if it should happen in the middle of rush hours today.

Below you can see three pictures made today during a guided tour, showing the level of the Danube

Pictures from the flood in Budapest 2013

Hungarian Parliament
Danube in front of the Hungarian Parliament
Flood in Budapest
Water and the Parliament
Flood and Chain Bridge
The Danube at a high level next to the Chain bridge