Pizza Cruise on the Danube in Budapest – Should you buy a ticket?

There are many fantastic boat trips available on the Danube in Budapest. The river is fantastic and the view is even more awesome. Can you imagine watching the beautiful attractions of Budapest illuminated in the evening while eating the best food on earth… pizza? That sure sounds nice, doesn’t it? It is no wonder so many people are interested in buying tickets for the popular pizza boat trip on the Danube. But, is it worth it?

Recently, we published an article about a Dinner Cruise with Live Music on the Danube. In the article, we wrote that even though we are located in Budapest and help book tickets for different boat trips on the Danube in Budapest, we do not necessarily say that all trips are equally good. In fact, if there are boat trips we think you should skip, then we will tell you. So, what is the reality when it comes to the Pizza Boat Trip on the Danube arranged by Silverline in Budapest?

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Our experience eating pizza on the Danube in Budapest.

The trip we are discussing is the one you can book tickets for above using the GetYourGuide widget. If you visit the page, you can see several positive and some negative reviews. Here are our thoughts!

The trip itself is great. The Danube is beautiful, and the service on the ship is good. You can drink as much as you want which is ideal if you are thirsty, meaning you can get unlimited soft-drinks, ice-tea and some other drinks.

But, why do you buy tickets for a boat trip on the Danube where they serve you pizza? Because you love pizza. And if you love pizza, then you want the pizza to be good. Unfortunately, that was not so on this ship.

We attended the boat trip with a group of six persons, and you can choose from four different pizzas (that must be done upon booking). We tasted three of the four pizzas (we skipped the Hawaii pizza as none of us appreciate pineapple on pizza).

The pizzas were served, and we were looking very much forward to eating pizza while enjoying the view.

pizza on the danube

The pizzas came and upon first look we felt disappointed. It looked like the cheese and the ham and the ingredients were the cheapest of the cheapest at the nearest super market. Unfortunately, the taste didn’t tell us otherwise. We were then having serious discussions about whether we were actually served a frozen pizza with a basic tomato sauce, and then they just added toppings according to the orders, but we didn’t really come to a conclusion (even though I still believe it was a basic frozen pizza with some toppings added before added on the ship).

We traveled with kids, so our kids had a wonderful time on the Danube, one of my son even makes jokes about this being the best pizza he has ever eaten, but I guess that says more about his attitude than the pizza.

All in all, we will remember the trip, and we had a good time. But, if the goal is to combine a trip on the beautiful Danube in Budapest with a delightful pizza, then you should bring the pizza yourself and not eat the one you are served onboard.

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What are your thoughts? Do you have any questions?

This is our experience, but we know from reviews on GetYourGuide that many people have truly enjoyed the trip. Would you like to share your thoughts about the trip? Or do you have any questions?

Please use the comment field below and let us hear from you!

The easiest way to order a pizza to your hotel/apartment in Budapest!

Are you a tourist stranded in an apartment or in a hotel room, but don’t actually want to leave it? Maybe someone got sick, and now you have to cancel your night out, and instead, you just want to order some quick and easy food to your hotel? How and where can it be done?

I know you don’t come to Budapest to stay in your hotel room and to eat food delivered at your door. But, there are times when it is needed, and the question is: In such a moment, how and where to order your food online?

The answer is actually quite easy. One of the most successful startups is the so-called Netpincer, meaning Internet waiter. Here you can find all sorts of restaurants included in the list, and once you give them your location, you will find a big overview showing all the restaurants currently open near you, and able to deliver food to your address.

Once you get to the site, register your address and a phone number. You will then be able to start, and soon you can have your food delivered at your door, or to the reception of your hotel.

Ordering pizza to your house in Budapest
The website from which you can have pizza and other food delivered to your house in Budapest.

Can I make my entire order in English?

As you can see above, the website is available in English and all the general information is available in English. But, when you look at the ingredients of the pizza, it is all in Hungarian. Are you in for some risky business? Ordering a pizza or some other food without actually understanding what it is all about?

You don’t need to. They have included a Google Translate function at their website (normally at the right side of the website). There you can choose between a couple of languages (including English), and it is actually capable of translating the menus in a quite decent way.

As a result, you don’t have to play yatzy as you order the meal, as you can actually get a decent understand of your meal with the translation help before you order.

How much do I have to pay for the home-delivery?

There are quite big differences in the home-delivery fees as you order on this platform. Quite a lot of the restaurants will deliver to your home for somewhere between 0 and 300 HUF (from 0 till 1 Euro), while some are more expensive. But, you can see this easily on the website during the order process, so you shouldn’t have to worry about this.

Where to order pizza online in Budapest?
Pizza home-delivery in Budapest

How fast is the food delivered?

This is also very different between all the restaurants. The average delivery time is somewhere between 45-60 minutes, but some restaurants deliver faster, and during peak-hours, things can also be much slower. But, all restaurants have an estimate available as you order, meaning that you should get a quite fair estimate of the arrival of the food even before you order.

How can I pay for my pizza-order?

As you place all the food you want in your basket, it is time to place the order. But, before you actually place the order, you will have to decide whether or not you want to pay online (with card) or if you want to pay in cash to the delivery guy. That is entirely up to you!

We hope this information will help you find the food you need. Once you are ready to go out and eat in a restaurant in Budapest, make sure to look around here in our Budapest Guide for inspiration and information. We have a really nice list presenting nine dinners in Budapest you will remember for a long time. You can also read more about all sorts of restaurants here at our website, and if you want to dine out on the Danube, make sure to enjoy a river cruise on the Danube with dinner.

If you have further questions about food-delivery in Budapest or some other topic related to that, use the comment field. We always try to answer questions and help out as quickly as possible!

A visit to Jamie Oliver’s Pizzeria in Budapest

A few weeks ago I got to visit the quite newly opened Jamie Oliver Pizzeria in Budapest. I read somewhere that it is the first Jamie Oliver pizzeria in Europe, but I am not completely sure if that is true or not.

I am a big fan of Italian food, and I could eat pizza every day without getting bored of it. But, I am not always a big fan of Italian food in Italian restaurants. Why? It often feels as if I am eating tomatoes, and I miss the spices that makes me satisfied. So, how did I enjoy my stay in Jamie Oliver’s Pizzeria in Budapest?

The interior of Jamie Oliver's Pizzeria in Budapest
The interior of Jamie Oliver’s Pizzeria in Budapest

Jamie Oliver’s Pizza in Budapest

The pizzeria is located in the Gozsdu Court, a fantastic area in Budapest with lots of restaurants and lots of things to do. So, the location couldn’t be better. The interior of the restaurant is modern, and as we visited the restaurant we listened to hits from the 90’s quite loudly in the restaurant. The volume was a bit louder than what I would prefer, but at least I enjoyed the music, so that made up for the volume.

We visited the pizzeria during lunch time and arrived very early (meaning there were almost no other guests in the restaurant). The waiters were all extremely friendly, and it felt like they were really proud to work there, and they did their best to satisfy the customers!

We ended up ordering one lunch menu and one lasagne. The lunch menu consisted of a pizzetta (a pizza with a different shape), a salad next to it, and a chocolate souffle for dessert (they didn’t call it chocolate souffle, but it sure tasted and looked like one).

The main courses in Jamie Oliver’s Pizzeria

The pizzetta was a nice and tasty pizza. I am a big fan of the American style, meaning a thick crust, but I have no problem eating the thin Italian crusty pizzas either. This was totally fine. Not a pizza I would die to eat again, but I had no complaints against it. The tomato sauce was okay, and the rest of the ingredients were nice. But, the best with the entire course was the very nice and fresh salad served next to the pizzetta.

The salad was the highlight of this course...
The salad was the highlight of this course…

I have told myself that eating lasagne in restaurants is dangerous. It never tastes as good as home, but since we visited a Jamie Oliver restaurant, we thought we would give it a try anyway.

lasagne in jamie oliver pizzeria

Yet again, the salad was nice and fresh. But, the lasagne had lots of problems. It was a bit burnt, and it was floating in tomato sauce. It was simply a big tomato overdose, and we didn’t manage to finish it at all. Maybe this is the way a lasagne is supposed to be, but if it is, then I am not a big fan of the real lasagne (only the one we make at home).

The dessert in Jamie Oliver’s Pizzeria

The dessert was something I would call a chocolate souffle, served with ice cream, and some other snacks. All in all, this was the highlight of the meal. The chocolate souffle was made of real chocolate (dark chocolate), making it a bit more bitter than in most other restaurants where they rather use “cheaper” chocolate, but that caused us no trouble.

dessert in jamie oliver
The highlight of our meal in Jamie Oliver’s Pizzeria in Budapest

All in all, we were satisfied with some parts of our lunch experience in Budapest, but it could have been a much better one. The lasagne wasn’t the only problem. As I mentioned earlier, the service was splendid, and everything was fine. But, we hoped this would be a fast lunch, especially considering that the restaurant was almost empty, but instead we spent more than 65 minutes in the restaurant. That is a long time for someone who wants to eat a lunch.  It should then be said that we placed our order at once.

Again, this was a big minus for us that it took so much time to get the food on the table during lunchtime, especially as this might be a place business people would consider a fast lunch between some meetings.

That was our stay in Jamie Oliver’s Pizzeria in Budapest

This was the story of our first visit to the Jamie Oliver Pizzeria in Budapest. This is a very subjective article, based on our experience, and we are no gastro experts, nor nothing. But, we like good food, and that is the foundation of this article.

Have you been to Jamie Oliver’s Pizzeria in Budapest? Did you like it? We would love to hear your comments!

Monopoli Bar Pizzeria

Two weeks ago I visited Pizza Hut in Arena Plaza and wrote an article about it. In my eyes they serve some of the best pizzas in Budapest restaurants, but not everyone agrees with me on that. A person commenting the article told me that Monopoli between Oktogon and Nyugati has much better pizza.

I love pizza so I took the challenge and a few days later I visited Monopoli Bar Pizzera together with a buddy of mine and my little son. We ordered two pizzas; one traditional with corn and ham and another with mozzarella cheese and parma ham. The service was great and while waiting I noticed how someone came complaining because of a pizza they had bought. The man in charge did his uttermost to satisfy his customers and even offered them a new pizza if they wanted… after all he did not want anyone to live Monopoli unsatisfied. That is great service!

How did we enjoy Monopoli?

It is important to understand that Monopoli is not a restaurant like Pizza Hut or other Italian restaurants in Budapest. This is a mix between a kebab place and a restaurant, so it doesn’t give you the ultimate restaurant feeling. But, to sit down a place with friends to grab a pizza this is great and ideal. It is especially nice to sit by the windows and enjoy the view of the trams, traffic and trespassers.

Pizza toast in Monopoli

The pizzas were typical Italian, a bit too Italian for me. That is probably my problem, but I like the thicker bottom better, but I can absolutely bear over with a thin bottom, if it doesn’t taste to much tomatoes. Unfortunately the pizza in Monopoli was a bit to tomato like to me, so the ingredients didn’t help what I call the „foundational” problem.

In addition to the pizzas we ordered a pizza sandwich and a kind of calzone. They were both okay, but not a place I would return to for further eating and to taste the same pizzas again.

Final Monopoli conclusion

Pizza is a difficult subject, because there are so many ways to make them and we all like them prepared in different ways. If you like those typical Italian pizzas, go check out on Monopoli. We paid for the two pizzas, the pizza toast and the calzone kind of thing and two drinks about 6000 HUF. The service is great so you will be taken good care of and this is ideal if you want to eat Italian without visiting one of those expensive Italian restaurants in Budapest.

If you disagree with me, please write a comment and let me know. If you know about a place in Budapest where they serve fantastic pizzas, please write and I will visit those places and review them (as soon as possible).