Transportation maps

We have a metro map already online, but if you are looking for a transportation map with more than just metro lines, this is the right place. On these maps you can find trams, buses, metros and so on. They are big and with a high resolution, but if you zoom in, you will hopefully be able to find what you are looking for.

The first map presents the most important transportation lines in Budapest, including the metro lines, the most important tram lines, and also some bus lines. These are connected in the city center of Budapest.

A map of the most important bus, metro, and tram lines in Budapest.

If you look at the map above, you can see the four metro lines, the suburban railway lines, and also tram lines, and more. You can see that tram line number 2 is fantastic if you want to travel along the Danube on the Pest side in Budapest. You can also see bus line number 16 connecting the inner city on the Pest side with the castle hill (Disz tér), another popular bus used by tourists in Budapest.

A more detailed map showing even more public transportation options in Budapest.

Here you have an even more detailed map. The picture might not show you all the details, but if you click the link beneath the map, you can download it as a .pdf file and zoom in to find all the details that you might be interested in.

The map above will help you move around to even more locations in Budapest and the high-resolution version covers even larger areas of Budapest not included in the picture above.

A Budapest public transportation night map.

What happens as the sun goes down and the normal buses, trams, and metros goes to sleep? That is when you need the following map showing you which opportunities you have for traveling from A to B in Budapest.

budapest night public transportation map
Would you like even more details and an even larger map? You can download the high-resolution .pdf version of the map above here.

An older public transportation map for Budapest

Budapest transportation map
Budapest transportation map

The map above is old and outdated, so even though some information might be correct, you should rather look at the maps at the top of this article, and not the one above.


10 thoughts on “Transportation maps

  1. Budapest Guide says:

    That is so true! Thank you for the link and the help to keep the information as up to date as possible. Unfortunately the site you are referring to is at time “hard-to-use” for people with little or no Hungarian skills, but for sure much better than anything! Will try to refresh this page with some newer public transportation maps as well within shortly!

  2. Caroline Meilak says:

    May I kindly ask from where exactly is the pick up for the bus 100E from the International Airport to arrive at the centre of Budapest, Astoria M? Also can you please guide me from where is the departure of the Danube river cruise?

    • Budapest Guide says:

      The bus stops in front of the Burger King at Astoria if you travel from the Airport towards the city. It first stops at Kalvin Ter, then at Astoria, and the final stop is at Deak square, just before it reaches Kiraly utca. If you use the bus to travel back to the airport, the only place to get on the bus is at the Elisabeth square (Deak Square), in front of the tourist office there.

        • Budapest Guide says:

          Only the CHristmas market by the St. Stephen’s Basilica. The dates for the Christmas market at Vörösmarty square are still not announced (and I have no clue why, it is very annoying).

    • Budapest Guide says:

      We still don’t have any 100% information about exactly which trams will be decorated with Christmas lights, nor when. We do know they are supposed to travel between December 1 and January 7 in the evenings, but we don’t know any more concrete information than that.

    • Budapest Guide says:


      The trams are traveling every evening in the city center of Budapest right now. If you walk around Deak Square, Astoria, Fövam ter, or along the Danube, it is actually impossible not to see them. So, that is my best advice as of now!

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